Thursday, August 11, 2011

English Access Microshcolarship Program in Gorkha

English Access Microscholarship Program is a recently launched program in Nepal. This Program runs under the financial support of the Government of the US and technical support of Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association (NELTA). It provides microscholarships to the adolescents from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The learners have the access of   learning English language and culture for two years. They will also have the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills.

Gorkha is one of the three different centers of this program in Nepal. Forty learners selected from the different public schools of Gorkha Municipality are studying in this center. Most of the learners are from backward communities. Four instructors are facilitating the learners. The office of the program is located in Gorkha Bazaar. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Gorkha seems to be a beautiful place.

    Hope you have a good time there.

    Kind regards

    Dalton Mendoza
    Access Program
